University of California San Francisco

Robotic Surgery - Homepage

Robotic Surgery

Ian S. Soriano, MD, FACS

Director of Robotic Surgery
Associate Professor of Surgery
Surgeon Champion, ACS-NSQIP, UCSF-Parnassus Campus
Division of General Surgery

The Department of Surgery at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) is at the forefront of utilizing advanced robotic technology to perform a wide range of surgical procedures. With a commitment to innovation and patient-centered care, UCSF has embraced robotic-assisted surgery as a means to provide patients with minimally invasive techniques, improved outcomes, and faster recovery times.

Here are some of the key robotic procedures performed at UCSF, including Xi procedures, SP procedures, and robotic lung nodule biopsies (robotic bronchoscopy).

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Featured Procedures

Xi Procedures

UCSF utilizes the Xi da Vinci Surgical System for various surgical procedures. The da Vinci Xi is the latest generation of this advanced robotic platform, offering enhanced dexterity, versatility, and precision. The robotic arms of the system are equipped with specialized instruments that mimic the movements of the surgeon's hands, but with greater precision and range of motion. This technology is employed in multiple surgical specialties, including urology, gynecology, thoracic surgery, and general surgery, allowing surgeons to perform complex procedures with improved outcomes and reduced patient morbidity. Commonly performed procedures by the UCSF Department of Surgery include hernia repairs, gallbladder removals, foregut surgeries including weight loss operations, lung resections, and colon resections.


Robotic SP Procedures

In addition to the da Vinci Xi system, UCSF also employs the SP (Single Port) model for select surgical procedures. The SP system allows surgeons to perform minimally invasive surgeries through a single, small incision, typically located in the patient's umbilicus. This approach offers the potential for improved cosmetic outcomes, reduced scarring, and faster recovery compared to traditional multi-port surgeries.

The SP system provides surgeons with advanced robotic capabilities, including articulated instruments and a 3D high-definition camera, enabling precise movements and enhanced visualization. Surgeons at UCSF utilize the SP system for various procedures, such as colorectal surgeries. By combining the benefits of robotics with single-incision techniques, UCSF aims to optimize patient outcomes and satisfaction.


Robotic Lung Nodule Biopsies (Robotic Bronchoscopy)

Lung nodule biopsies are crucial in the early detection and diagnosis of lung cancer. UCSF's Department of Surgery employs robotic bronchoscopy, a cutting-edge technique that utilizes a robotic system to navigate the intricate bronchial pathways and reach targeted lung nodules with exceptional precision. This minimally invasive procedure allows for real-time imaging and sampling of lung nodules, offering patients a less invasive alternative to traditional open biopsies. Robotic bronchoscopy at UCSF enhances diagnostic accuracy and can potentially reduce the need for more invasive surgeries.

During a robotic bronchoscopy, the surgeon controls the robotic arms from a console, guiding a flexible bronchoscope equipped with a camera and specialized tools to the site of the lung nodule. The high-definition 3D visualization system provides a magnified view, allowing the surgeon to precisely navigate the bronchial tree and perform a biopsy or remove the nodule if necessary. This procedure offers several advantages, including reduced trauma to surrounding tissues, decreased risk of complications, and faster recovery times for patients.

The integration of robotic technology in various surgical specialties at UCSF's Department of Surgery has revolutionized patient care, offering numerous advantages over traditional open procedures. Robotic-assisted surgery provides surgeons with improved visualization, enhanced dexterity, and greater precision, which translates into better surgical outcomes, reduced complications, shorter hospital stays, and faster recovery times for patients. With ongoing advancements in robotic technology and the expertise of UCSF's surgical team, the future holds even greater potential for further enhancing patient care through robotic-assisted procedures.

Our mission is to develop the next generation of leaders in academic surgery.
Julie Ann Sosa, M.D., FACS, Leon Goldman, MD Distinguished Professor of Surgery and Chair, Department of Surgery
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Research & Innovations

The UCSF Robotic Surgery Program stands at the forefront of pioneering advancements in medical research. With a strong focus on various areas of study, ranging from cancer Research to clinical trials, translational, biomechanical, and bench research, we are committed to making significant contributions and transforming healthcare.

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